Yes, you can hide your followers on Instagram. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Then select “Settings” and scroll down to “Privacy.” Under “Followers,” you can choose to hide your followers from everyone, just your followers, or no one.

To hide your followers on Instagram in 2021, you can go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Then, select “Settings” and scroll down to “Privacy and Security.” Tap “Followers” and switch the “Show My Followers” setting to “Off.

There is no definitive way to see who is stalking your Instagram account, as this information is not generally made public. However, there are some things you can do to try and determine who is following you closely. First, check your account’s “followers” list and look for any users who have a high number of followers themselves.

There is no definitive way to see who has unfollowed you on Instagram in 2021, as this information is not publicly available. However, there are a few methods you could try in order to figure it out. One option would be to use a third-party app such as Followers+ or Unfollowers, which will show you a list of users who have recently unfollowed you.

Ghosting on Instagram is when you unfollow someone but they don’t know. It’s a way to silently rid yourself of someone you’re no longer interested in following without having to actually tell them.

Yes, someone can tell if you look at their Instagram video. If you watch a person’s Instagram story, they will be able to see that you watched it.

There could be a few reasons why your ex pops up in your Instagram suggestions. One possibility is that you follow them on Instagram, and Instagram is using their activity to personalize your recommendations. Another possibility is that you’ve searched for them on Instagram recently, and Instagram is using that activity to personalize your recommendations.

There could be a number of reasons why you’re losing followers on Instagram. Maybe you’re not posting interesting or engaging content, or your posts are too frequent or too spammy. You could also be using automated tools to follow and unfollow people, which can lead to account suspension. If you’re not sure what’s causing the loss of followers, try using Instagram’s analytics tool to see where you might be falling short.

There’s no definitive answer, as it depends on your specific account and follower base. In general, though, it’s a good idea to periodically clean up your follower’s list to remove inactive or spam accounts. This can help improve your engagement rate and overall social media performance.

It’s impossible to tell how many times someone has looked at your Instagram profile. Instagram only keeps track of the number of times a profile has been viewed, not the number of individual views.