One possible solution is to store weed in an airtight container, such as a sealed jar or plastic bag. Another option is to smoke weed outside, where the smell will not be as noticeable.

There is no such thing as smell proof for weed.

There are a few different ways to hide in a car. The most common way is to sit down with your back to the door and your head down so that you are not visible from the outside. Another way is to crouch down low and place your arms over your head.

There are a few different places to stash your stash in your car. One option is to hide it in the trunk, where it’s out of sight but still accessible. Another option is to place it in the glove box, where it’s out of reach but still accessible. And finally, you could place it under the seat or in the backseat. Whichever option you choose, make sure that you keep an eye on it and don’t let anyone else know about your stash!

Dogs cannot smell weed through a smell proof bag, as the scent would be masked by other smells in the environment.

The short answer is no, airtight containers will not stop weed smell. The primary reason is that the smell of weed is caused by the chemical compounds that are released when the plant is burned. These compounds are not affected by airtight containers.

Jars do not necessarily prevent the smell of weed from escaping, as air can easily flow through any opening. Additionally, the seal around the lid may not be 100% effective, allowing smells to escape if the jar is knocked over.

There is no surefire way to make a secret compartment in your car, but there are a few techniques that may work. One option is to install a hidden compartment in the floor of your car. You can also buy a car with a hidden compartment built-in, or install one yourself. Another option is to purchase a car with a hidden storage area under the seat.

It is not illegal to have a stash box in your car, but it is illegal to possess drugs with the intent to sell them.

There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on your personal circumstances and what you feel comfortable with. However, generally speaking, it’s a good idea to keep at least $100 in cash in your car in case of emergencies. Additionally, having some cash on hand can help you avoid being stuck without access to financial resources during an unexpected situation.