To hide your number on WhatsApp, open the app and go to Settings > Account > Privacy. Under “My Number,” tap Hide My Number.

To delete your WhatsApp account from your old phone, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Delete my account.

To find out your WhatsApp number, open the app and go to Settings > Account > Your Number.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to make your WhatsApp account anonymous will vary depending on your specific situation. However, some tips on how to make your WhatsApp account anonymous include using a VPN, changing your phone number, and using a different email address.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the safety of giving your WhatsApp number to strangers will depend on a variety of factors, including the stranger’s intentions and your personal security preferences. However, in general, it is generally safe to give your WhatsApp number to strangers if you feel comfortable doing so and if you take precautions to protect your privacy and security.

If you delete your WhatsApp account, your phone number will be unlinked from the app and you will no longer be able to use WhatsApp.

If you uninstall WhatsApp, you will no longer be able to message your friends and family. WhatsApp is a messaging app that allows you to communicate with other people who have the app installed on their phone.

To find your WhatsApp number on Google, open a web browser and go to In the search bar, type “WhatsApp number” and press Enter. Your WhatsApp number will appear in the search results.

There is no one definitive way to tell if a WhatsApp number is active, as different users may have different settings enabled. However, some tips to tell if a number is active include checking if the user has a profile photo, if they are in a chat or group chat, and how recently they have been online.

Yes, my WhatsApp number is the same as my phone number. I use WhatsApp to communicate with my friends and family, so it’s important that my number is the same for everyone.