If you want to stop seeing posts from certain Instagram users without unfollowing them, there is a way to do that. On the app, go to their profile and tap the three dots in the top right corner. From there, select “Turn on Post Notifications.” This will ensure that you see all of their posts in your feed.

There is no way to hide posts on Facebook without unfollowing them. If you do not want to see a person’s posts, you can unfollow them. This will prevent their posts from showing up in your News Feed.

Yes, you can block Instagram stories without unfollowing them. Just go to the story you want to block and tap the three dots in the bottom right corner. Then select “Block User.

Yes, you can hide Instagram posts by unticking the “Show on Profile” option when you post.

There is no one definitive way to stop seeing someone’s Facebook posts. You could unfollow them, or you could hide their posts from your News Feed. If you don’t want to see any of their posts, you could delete them as a friend.

Yes, you can unfollow someone without unfollowing them. To do so, go to their profile and click the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. From there, select “Unfollow.

If you want to mute a post, just click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post and select “Mute.

To hide Instagram posts from 2021, you’ll need to change the privacy settings for each post. Under the “options” menu, you can choose to keep your posts private, make them visible to only your followers, or make them public.

If someone is hiding their story on Instagram, it means that their profile is set to private and their story is not visible to anyone who isn’t following them. To view someone’s story, you must be following them.

There are a few potential things that could happen if someone hides their story from you on Instagram. They may have just decided not to share their story with you for whatever reason, or they may have blocked you from seeing their story. If you can’t see their story, it’s possible that they’ve blocked you from seeing it.