There are a few different ways to interpret this question.One way to interpret it is to ask what it means to hear from God. In this case, it means that we are hearing from Him through His word, through prayer, and through the actions of others.Another way to interpret it is to ask what it means to hear from someone else.

When you get a word from someone, it means that they have given you their word that they will do something. This can be a promise to do something or to not do something. It can also be a commitment, to tell the truth.

There is no one answer to this question, as “where someone is from” can mean a variety of things. It could refer to the country or region a person was born in, the city or town they grew up in, or the place they call home now. Each of these definitions can have its own connotations and implications.

The form can mean a few different things. It can refer to the shape or structure of something, as in “the form of a triangle is triangular.” It can also refer to the arrangement or organization of something, as in “the form of the classroom was in rows and columns.” Finally, the form can refer to a document or other type of written record, as in “I filled out the form and submitted it online.

The phrase “I heard from someone” can mean a few different things. It could mean that the person heard the information from a reliable source. Alternatively, it could mean that the person simply heard about the information from someone else and doesn’t have any firsthand knowledge.

There are a few ways to hear from someone. You can call them on the phone, send them an email, or talk to them in person.

To say someone else in English, you would say “someone else.

It means that you have communicated with them in a way that they understand.

When someone says “coming from you,” they mean that the statement is coming from the person’s perspective or point of view.

The phrase “where I come from” can mean a lot of different things, depending on the context in which it is used. Sometimes it can be used to describe someone’s hometown or the place where they grew up. Other times it can be used to describe someone’s family or cultural background.