Unfortunately, thralls are much squisher than they should be due to a series of Conan Exiles bugs currently plaguing servers, and in one particularly glaring glitch, they can even be killed in PvE by other players when they are supposed to be immune to player death.

At this point, there doesn’t seem to be a reliable way to consistently recover a thrall’s health after you spend the time to tame them, although there are several options to attempt while waiting for patches.

Capturing Thralls

The act of capturing and taming thralls causes them damage, since people don’t typically volunteer to be your slaves without a little prompting.

If you haven’t figured out how to capture a thrall yet, you need to knock the potential thrall out with the Truncheon, then drag them back to your base with Fiber Bindings. Place the thrall on the Wheel of Pain to break them, and be sure to have some Gruel on hand so they don’t starve while being tortured.

Up to four thralls can be placed on a standard Wheel of Pain at a time (note that there are also lesser and greater versions in your recipes), although they are simply queued for torture down the line and don’t all get broken simultaneously. If you have a Taskmaster assigned to the Wheel, thralls will be tamed faster.

 Nothing says “vacation in Hyboria” like a trip to the Wheel of Pain!

Passive Thrall Healing Over Time

Since they will typically be damaged when you are done bludgeoning, binding, and torturing a thrall, they are supposed to return to full health automatically through the passage of time.

Obviously, they don’t, and this is a known bug currently being worked on with an upcoming patch. Stay tuned for details on when it will arrive!

Using Food/Potions for Health

Although only working intermittently for a handful of players, it seems like placing a healing potion such as Aloe Extract or even putting food in the thrall’s inventory should get them to use the item and recover health every time.

Right now, they mostly just ignore the items, or occasionally consume them with no obvious effect.

Thrall Health Regen With Entertainers

Placing an Entertainer near a damaged thrall is occasionally working for PC players at this point, but it’s not a completely surefire healing mechanism at the moment.

Both the Dancer and Musician thrall types are supposed to create a heath regen buff on any other nearby thralls, but guess what? It’s not working at all for console players.

Up to 10 stacks of health regen are supposed to apply while standing near a Dancer/Musician, and those stacks should remain in effect for up to half an hour after leaving the aura around the Entertainer, but at the moment, that doesn’t seem to be working on thralls as intended. 

 Dancer thralls busting out their sweet moves

Sadly, at the moment, there doesn’t seem to be much to do but wait for a patch or an announcement from the developer on a workaround, as thrall healing in Conan Exiles just isn’t working properly. 

Have you managed to actually heal any of your tamed servants? Let us know what worked for you, and we’ll get this article updated! In the meantime, be sure to check out our other Conan Exiles guides for those aspects of the game that aren’t bugged:

Legendary Weapons Guide Exclusive Recipe Locations Guide