The helicopter in Battlefield 4 is used to provide air support for ground troops. It can be used to transport troops and supplies, or to attack enemy targets. The helicopter can also be used to evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

There are a few ways to shoot down the helicopter in Battlefield 4 Campaign. One way is to use the anti-aircraft gun, which is located near the control tower. Another way is to use the rocket launcher, which is located near the C-130 plane.

There are several ways to mark an enemy in Battlefield 4. One way is to press the Q key to bring up the scoreboard, then locate and highlight the enemy player’s name. Another way is to use the “spotting” mechanic – press and hold the spotting button (default R), then move the crosshair over the enemy and release the button. The enemy will be marked with a red diamond, and will also be visible on the mini-map.

There are a few ways to control the helicopter in Battlefield. One way is to use the mouse to look around and the keyboard to control the helicopter. Another way is to use the joystick on the game controller to look around and control the helicopter.

There are a few ways to change the controls in a Battlefield helicopter. One way is to go into the options menu and select the controls you want to use. Another way is to press the “T” key on your keyboard to open up the control settings while in-game. You can then select the controls you want to use from there.

There are a few ways to engage targets with helicopters in Battlefield 4. One way is to use the main gun on the helicopter to fire at targets on the ground. Another way is to use the rockets on the helicopter to fire at targets on the ground. A third way is to use the machine gun on the helicopter to fire at targets on the ground.

There are a few ways to mark targets in Battlefield 4. The first way is to use the D-pad on your controller. The second way is to use the mouse wheel. The third way is to use the Q and E keys on your keyboard.

Assuming you are still with your current boyfriend in 2042, you will likely be able to spot him quite easily. He will likely be the same age as you are now, and will likely still look very similar to how he does now. If you are lucky, he may even still have all of his hair!

Flying a helicopter is not difficult, but it takes practice to be able to do it well. The most important thing to remember is to keep the helicopter in a stable position. This means that you need to adjust the throttle and the cyclic stick to keep the helicopter from drifting in any direction.

There are many ways to fly in 2042. Some people use jetpacks, others use flying cars. There are also many different types of aircraft that can be used for travel. In 2042, the sky is a much more crowded place than it is today!