Oh that sweet blue tick. Only a select few Twitter elite are awarded it—Justin Pot has one. The rest of us digital plebs are left go without, forever unverified. Or are we?

A while back, Twitter introduced a way that anyone—even a up-to-no-good-writer like myself—could apply to be verified. Let’s look at how.

Get Your Account in Order

Before applying to be verified, you need to get your account in order. This means you need a few things:

A verified phone number. A confirmed email address. A filled in bio. A profile picture. A header photo. A birthday (unless you’re a company). A website. Your Tweets set to public.

Your account should already have most of these if you use it regularly, but if not, head to your profile and click Edit Profile.

Fill in any details that are missing and click Save Changes.

The only things you won’t be able to fill in are your email and phone number. For the email address, go to Settings > Account and make sure you’ve an accurate email address added. For your phone number, it’s Settings > Mobile. Neither contact method will be displayed to the public.

Twitter will only verify an account that is “of public interest”. According to Twitter, this “includes accounts maintained by users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, and other key interest areas”. Both personal accounts and business or brand accounts can be verified. If your account doesn’t fall into one of those categories, you’re going to have to fake it or just hope that someone lenient is reviewing your submission.

Apply to Be Verified

Now that your account is in order, it’s time to actually apply to be verified. Head to verification.twitter.com/welcome and click Continue.

If you aren’t already logged in, you’ll be prompted to sign into your Twitter account. Make sure that you’re applying to verify the right one and click Next.

You need to provide proof to Twitter that your account is worthy of the hallowed blue tick. This means providing them with:

Links to between two and five websites that identify the account you want verified. I’m going to use my personal website, my How-To Geek author page, and a few others. A 500 character statement explaining why your account should be verified. Some photo ID.

Twitter takes verification seriously.

Fill in the request form as well as you can and when you’re done, click Next.

Look over your review and when you’re sure it’s right, click Submit.

And that’s it. You’ve applied to be verified. You should hear back from Twitter by email within a few days. If your account gets turned down, you can wait 30 days and try again. In our experience, Twitter’s verification process is…well, a little silly. Some of us How-To Geek writers have gotten verified, while others haven’t, for seemingly no reason. So give it a try, but don’t expect miracles—Twitter seems to have its head up its butt a little bit when it comes to verification.