Regardless, Tinder keeps getting stricter day by day. Therefore this article will provide several ways to get unbanned. And lots more as regards using Tinder in the right way.

The only official and legal way to get unbanned from Tinder is to write an appealing message. One can do this through email or their contact service. Unofficial ways include getting a brand new Tinder account. Or using Tinder ++  or the incognito web. Keep reading to learn how these methods work.

Appeal To Tinder

Most times that Tinder bans people’s accounts, it’s a result of someone’s report. And sometimes people report their matches and Tinder bans the innocent victim because of its strict policies. 

Despite the app saying they don’t reverse their ban decision, people who have had their accounts banned unjustly. Or for a crime, they’re not aware of, can pen down an appealing message to the site.

They can do this by sending them an email using help Or using their contact service, i.e., questions@go 

Alternatively, right from trying to log in, the person can click on Trouble with account login. Then click on Can’t log in, and my account was banned.

A box will appear where one can state reasons they’ve banned the account by mistake. Anyone using this method must make sure they’re polite in the appeal message. There’s no guaranteed number of days to wait before receiving a reply, but 3 days is enough to define one’s fate.

Get A Brand New Tinder Account

When the account remains unbanned after four days, the next step will be to try other options to unban the account. Although Tinder doesn’t support these options, it’s unfair that you don’t get to enjoy this wonderful service anymore. 

So let’s go ahead with other unofficial options available. Getting a brand new Tinder account means changing every information in the banned account to a brand new one. They are;

Phone numberIP address. Linked social media accounts, such as Instagram, Spotify, and Facebook. Pictures.  Age. Name. Google account/Apple ID. Every payment information, such as on Paypal or credit cards.

Before one can create a new Tinder account, one needs to change all the above information. They must be different from the information provided in the banned account.

So after getting all the brand new information the above, proceed to reinstall the app and provide the all information rebranded. Creating a new account was successful? Go and sin no more.

Tinder ++

No doubt, the steps of getting a brand new account are rigorous, that’s why Tinder ++ is here to ease up things. Despite people opting for this stand a chance of having their account banned again. 

The app offers free access to Tinder Gold and its premium features. So, this is a risk worth taking!

Appearing on Tinder again with this option is as simple as downloading the Tinder ++ app and following the sign-up instructions. 

It’s a hacked version of the real Tinder app therefore there’s no need to modify the information provided in the banned account. And that’s it. 

Incognito Web

This is the simplest and safest way to unban one’s account on Tinder. It’s the last on the list because this option is still new and it’s yet to become the topic of the day. 

But it’s worth the try, the worst that can happen is that one gets caught and Tinder re-banned one’s account.  However, what if this step was successful? With that in mind, keep reading.

There’s no need to re-install Tinder, here’s what one needs to do;

Visit the incognito Web to open the Tinder app. Follow the former steps on Get a brand new Tinder account. To create a new account. After successfully creating the account, open the new account. Here, you can only log in with the brand new phone number or Facebook, one can’t log in with a Google account. Alas! You’re back online. Keep doing what you love doing.

Why does Tinder Bans People’s Accounts?

The answer to this question is very simple. Banning occurs when people refuse to follow the laid-out information of the app. Most times people don’t read the app’s Terms of Use before clicking on “I accept”. 


Sure, carefully following the above options will unban one’s account. To avoid getting into trouble, click on Terms of Use, this is a second chance to make things right. Read, understand and steer clear of trouble.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. How long does Tinder last?

Tinder’s ban is forever except if one follows other options to unban the account.

  1. Can one have multiple accounts on Tinder?

Sure, but one can only operate on one account at a time.

  1. Is it possible to create a Tinder account without using a phone number?

No, it’s impossible to open a tinder account without one’s phone number.