If you used any kind of cheats while playing Counter-Strike Global Offensive, you can be sure that there isn’t a chance for your ban to be lifted. Steam Support is quite strict and will not grant you any chance if your account has got a VAC ban. Although, the nature of the VAC ban wasn’t always permanent. When VAC was first released, players who got banned while playing Counter-Strike in 2002 had to wait only 24 hours until their ban was lifted. With the release of VAC2, the bans became permanent and unremovable. Even though you cannot get unbanned if you used cheats in the game, there are other bans in the game that can be lifted.

Different Types of Counter-Strike Global Offensive Bans

Along with getting a VAC ban for cheating, you can also get banned from Counter-Strike Global Offensive if you have left several competitive matches. There are four levels of bans that are called Competitive cooldowns. The first cooldown lasts for 30 minutes if you haven’t violated any of the competitive game terms for a long time. The second cooldown lasts for 2 hours if you have left the match or got kicked too many times from the match. The third cooldown lasts for 24 hours and the most serious one, the fourth cooldown, lasts 1 week.

Reasons To Get Competitive Cooldowns

Like most games, Counter-Strike Global Offensive attaches importance to its players’ game experiences and wants to make sure that there isn’t any discontentment while players take their competitive games seriously. Unfortunately, if you fail to connect to the server while you are in a competitive game and cannot connect in a given time, you will be out of the game and you can get banned for 30 minutes if you have been staying in the games for a long time. Another reason to get a cooldown is kicking too many teammates. You might be right to kick a teammate or you might be doing it out of spite but if you abuse the kicking option in the game, you may get a cooldown. The same way goes for you being kicked out of the game. You may not get a cooldown for the first time you got kicked but if it is repeated, you will get a cooldown. Abandoning matches and staying AFK in the matches for a long time can also get you a cooldown. Lastly, if too many players, either in your team or in the opponent team, reports you during the game, you can get a level 4 cooldown and even a VAC ban.

Can I get unbanned from the Counter-Strike Global Offensive VAC ban?

Sadly, you cannot get unbanned from a VAC ban since it is a strict ban that wards off cheaters in the game and makes the playing experience better for gamers.

Can I try and appeal the VAC ban?

Although you are welcome to try and contact Steam Support to lift your VAC ban, it would be better to accept your fate and try another game.

Can I access the game with another account?

Since VAC bans are also IP bans, you cannot continue to play Counter Strike Global Offensive with another account.

In a nutshell, you cannot get unbanned from Counter-Strike Global Offensive if you got a VAC ban. Valve’s Anti-Cheat System is a strict guardian of Counter-Strike Global Offensive and maintains a safe and pleasurable atmosphere for the players. If you got a cooldown, which is like an in-game ban, all you need to do is wait for the cooldown to end. Even though you can contact Steam Support to get your account unbanned, you should prepare yourself to be faced with a dead end. In this case, Valve’s Anti-Cheat System grants no mercy.

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