2. Check out the available electricity rates online and choose the most favorable one while including the plan for a same-day electricity power connection.

    2. Check out the available electricity rates online and choose the most favorable one while including the plan for a same-day electricity power connection.

    3. Register online with your preferred provider.

    4. During your registration, you will be asked to select between “switch”  or “move-in” where move-In is for new customers and Switch is for those registered but switching to a new provider. But you should select “move-in” and specify today’s date.

    5. Put on your electrical gadgets at home because your power might have been restored. Your electrical provider usually makes an electronic transaction to the local utility whenever the purchase is successful. At times, you should enroll earlier because the registration process could take around 4 to 6 hours.

However, in the case of the instant registration process, the utility company personnel do not need to be in your house to restore your power. Your smart meter will automatically do that once the order is complete. To make the cut-off time to your provider, you will be required to deposit if applicable for your lights to be turned on the same day. However, in cases where you cannot afford to make a deposit or use your credit card, you should check out for prepaid electricity.

Limited circumstances to same-day electricity

The registration process might take longer than 4 to 6 hours. Thereby a late-afternoon or after-hours request might not work out for the same-day electricity considering the time the closing hours of the electricity providers. Same-day electricity service is excepted on Sundays and holidays especially if you reside in Texas. New customers would need a social security number during the registration and the connection process can be delayed if not provided on time. Getting a permit from the local city council may take time based on the requirements. In a case of unpaid service or debt from the previous user or usage, payment must be made to cover it before reconnection would be made. The absence of smart meters could hinder a successful same-day electricity service because of the possible inability of the utility company to remotely activate the service.  

Prepaid Electricity

Prepaid electricity or pay-as-you-go type of service where customers buy electricity before usage. Unlike the normal electricity plan which is the postpaid electricity where you pay by the end of the month, you pay for your power upfront and use what you have paid for. It offers a favorable solution to the “sudden end of the month bill” by allowing customers to choose the timing and quantity of purchases. At the same time, prepayment deals away with debt accumulation and provides room for utility companies to focus on their high-cost customers. Prepaid electricity has increased electricity access while reducing electricity usage costs for people with low-paying jobs. Prepaid electricity has also decreased the costs of administration, payment recovery, and earlier payments due to more reliable payments, and generally, the gains are estimated to cover the costs of the prepaid meters after seven years of use. Prepaid electricity service is primarily used with smart meters. This smart meter does the monitoring and collection of the home’s energy usage, 24 hours a day. The electronic device sends this data to the electricity provider in real-time to enable instant connections and disconnections as the case may be. Prepaid electricity in contrast to a normal electricity plan does not require a credit verification at registration. This would benefit people with poor credit scores as they are usually asked to pay more utility deposits to get the lights on for a normal electricity plan. It is interesting to note that you can sign up online for Prepaid electricity and get the lights on the same day, in most cases. Also, Prepaid electricity gives you the benefit of switching power providers seamlessly whenever you want to, because you are paying in advance for the energy used and there is no imposed minimum contract duration.  


Getting your electricity on the same day should not be rocket science and it isn’t. You either consider the option of postpaid electricity service or Prepaid electricity service concerning favorable factors. Also if you are living in Texas, you should likely consider Pre-paid electricity unless you have lots of energy-consuming devices and equipment at home. 

What are the Benefits of prepaid electricity?Prepaid electricity helps people to better understand and take control of their energy usage and expenses. Prepaid electricity is a great way to save electricity costs, conserve energy, and reduce bills efficiently, especially for poorer customers and those with a history of delinquent payments.

What are the benefits of postpaid electricity?Postpaid prevents unexpected and probably inconvenient moments of a sudden loss of power if the consumer has forgotten to “top-up” the meter with credit. In postpaid electricity, you don’t have to worry about running out of credit on the meter because it won’t automatically cut off the supply of electricity.  Postpaid electricity charges are based on the period of consumption than the units consumed. Therefore this would benefit the high-income households and businesses who have lots of energy-consuming equipment running. It allows the customers to derive the benefits of the appliances they own, unlike prepaid electricity where customers try to underutilize their utilities to conserve power and save costs.  

Prepaid electricity helps people to better understand and take control of their energy usage and expenses. Prepaid electricity is a great way to save electricity costs, conserve energy, and reduce bills efficiently, especially for poorer customers and those with a history of delinquent payments.

Postpaid prevents unexpected and probably inconvenient moments of a sudden loss of power if the consumer has forgotten to “top-up” the meter with credit. In postpaid electricity, you don’t have to worry about running out of credit on the meter because it won’t automatically cut off the supply of electricity.  Postpaid electricity charges are based on the period of consumption than the units consumed. Therefore this would benefit the high-income households and businesses who have lots of energy-consuming equipment running. It allows the customers to derive the benefits of the appliances they own, unlike prepaid electricity where customers try to underutilize their utilities to conserve power and save costs.   How To Get The Electricity Turned On The Same Day   - 88