There are a few ways to get someone’s Instagram account banned. The simplest way is to report the account for spam or harassment. If you have a lot of followers, you can post a link to their account with a caption that says something like “This person is harassing me.” This will cause your followers to report the account and it will be banned.

You can delete your Instagram account by following the steps below:Log in to your account and go to the settings page on the top right corner of your screen.Click on “Delete my account” at the bottom of the page.Enter your password and click “Delete Account.

If you want to delete your account, go to the Instagram settings page and tap on “Delete Account”. This will remove all of your posts and comments. You can also deactivate your account, which will remove all of your posts but leave your profile up.

Yes, a verified account can get banned. For example, if the account is spamming or posting illegal content, it could be banned.

Yes, you can get permanently banned from Instagram. In order to do so, you would need to violate the Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

This is a difficult question to answer with certainty. One can only speculate as to how much spam it would take to delete Instagram.

There is no specific number of violations that will lead to a ban. Instagram’s Community Guidelines outline the type of content that is not allowed on the app.

Instagram does not have a phone number, but if you are having trouble with your account you can contact them through the app or on their website.

There is no set answer to this question, but bans tend to last anywhere from a few hours to a week.

The answer to this question is difficult to answer. Instagram bans are not always explicit and they can be more of a subtle block than a complete ban. There is no way to know for sure if you have been banned from Instagram unless you get an error message when trying to log in, but there are some signs that could indicate that you have been banned from the platform.If your account has been disabled, it might mean that you have violated Instagram’s terms of service.