The Instagram post is a media that has a restriction to the number of characters, hence the use of hashtags. This does not allow for sufficient articulation of opinion and ideas. It is also possible for people to copy and paste existing posts from another account to avoid detection, so it becomes difficult to track potentially problematic content.

It depends on the type of report that you submit. If you submit a comment report, then it will take one report to delete the post. If you submit a copyright infringement report, then it will take two reports to delete the post.

There are a few ways to get an Instagram post taken down. One way is to use the website IFTTT. You can create an account with them and then create a recipe that will notify you when someone posts a photo of you on Instagram. When you see the photo, you can report it as inappropriate by clicking the “Report” button on the top right corner of the post.

Many people get uncomfortable when they find out that someone has taken a picture of them. If you are one of these people, and you don’t want someone to have a photo of you, the best thing to do is ask them to delete it. You can do this by saying “Please delete that photo.” or “I’d like for you to delete that photo.

It would take a lot of spam to delete Instagram. It’s not just one person, but many people that have to be spammed in order to get the account deleted.

Instagram does not have a way to report someone, but you can block them if they are abusive.

Instagram has a community guidelines page that outlines what is and is not allowed on the site. They state that if you violate these guidelines three times, your account will be disabled.

You can see the post that was removed from your Instagram account by going to “Settings” and then selecting “Support.” You will be able to see the post that was reported and removed.

No, it is not illegal to screenshot Instagram photos. However, the person who took the photo may be upset and feel violated if you take a screenshot of their photo without permission.

Instagram violations are typically removed within 6 hours, depending on the severity of the violation. On October 27th, 2017, during a panel discussion at the Society for New Communications Research conference in Boston, Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger announced that the company will respond to abuse reports within one hour. He noted that because their systems are designed to catch these types of violations proactively, they’ve seen that very few become public.