There is no surefire way to get someone else’s Instagram account deleted, as the social media platform does not have a public reporting system for this purpose. However, you may be able to contact Instagram directly to request that the account be removed.

Yes, you can get someone removed from Instagram. If they are violating the terms of service, you can report them.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the reason for deleting the account. If the account is deleted because of a violation of Instagram’s terms of service, then there may be a number of reports required before the account is actually deleted. However, if the account is deleted because the user has decided to leave Instagram, then it is likely that only one report is needed.

There are a few reasons why someone’s Instagram might get deleted. One reason might be that the account was fake. Another reason might be because the account was being used to spam other users or post inappropriate content.

There is no Instagram phone number. If you need help with your account, you can visit the Help Center on the Instagram website.

Yes, you can take down pictures on Instagram. To do so, open the photo you want to delete and then tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen. From there, select Delete Photo and confirm your choice.

There are a few possible reasons why someone might have deleted you from Instagram. They could have decided that they no longer want to follow you, or they could have been removed by Instagram for violating the terms of service. If you’re concerned about why you were deleted, you can contact the person who deleted you to ask them why.

There are a few ways to tell if someone has removed you as a follower. If you go to their profile and it says “following: 0” then they have removed you. Another way to tell is if you go to your follower’s list and the person’s name is no longer there.

If you remove a follower on Instagram, that person will no longer be able to see your posts. However, they may still be able to see your profile if they visit it directly.

It takes a lot of spams to delete Instagram. In fact, it would take more than 1.3 million spams to completely delete the app.