Yes, a snake can get into a closed car. Snakes are able to squeeze through small openings, such as those in the door jam or window seals.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the size, weight, and shape of the snake and the car. Some snakes can squeeze through very small openings, but others would struggle to fit through most standard car doors.

Most snakes are most active during the morning and evening.

There is some debate on whether or not snakes stay in one place. Some believe that they do, while others believe that they will move around depending on their surroundings.

Snakes instinctively avoid humans and will usually flee if approached. If a snake is trapped in a car, it may try to escape by climbing up the car or through the open window. If this is unsuccessful, the snake may bite or strangle its way out.

There are a few ways to remove garter snakes from cars. One is to use a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment. Another is to put the snake in a plastic bag and hit it on the side of the car until it falls out.

Yes, snakes can get in cars. However, the likelihood of this happening is very low.

There is no scientific evidence that lights keep snakes away. Some people may believe this because they have heard that it is, but there is no proof to support this claim. In fact, some experts say that if you want to keep snakes away from your property, you should use deterrents such as motion detectors or loud noises.

There are a few things that can be done to keep snakes away from areas where people live and work. One is to use deterrents, such as motion sensors or loud noises. Another is to keep yards clean and free of debris, which can make it difficult for snakes to find food.

Snakes do not have a specific smell that they hate. However, some smells that may repel snakes include garlic, onions, and other strong odors.