There are many ways to get rid of skunk smell outside a car. One way is to cover the car with a blanket or a cloth and leave it outside for an hour or two. Another way is to use a solution of baking soda and water to try to get rid of the smell.

Skunks will usually smell bad for about an hour after they leave the car.

One way to reduce the smell of a skunk is to place it in a room with no other animals and ajar windows.

This is not an effective way to reduce the smell of a skunk. Skunks are very territorial and will react negatively to any other animals in their space.

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the specific skunk odor that you are trying to remove. Some people swear by using vinegar to remove skunk smell, while others find that it does not work as well. Ultimately, it is up to you to experiment and see what works best for you.

There are a few reasons why your car might have a skunk smell. The most common reason is that the skunk is trying to hide from you.

Tomato juice is not effective for the skunk smell.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that breathing in skunk smell can make you sick.

Febreze does not remove skunk odor.

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the skunk’s odor and the vinegar’s strength. However, some common methods of killing skunk odor include using a specific type of vinegar or using a mixture of different types of vinegar.

Dawn does not get rid of the skunk smell. It is the natural odor that comes from the fur of a skunk.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that vinegar and baking soda will get rid of skunk smell.

Lemon does not remove skunk smell.

There are a few ways to remove smells from your car. One way is to use a car freshener. Another way is to use a deodorant.

Skunk smell is caused by the skunk’s anal glands. The glands produce a strong odor when they produce an oil.

Wash your dog with soap and water.

Tomato sauce removes the skunk smell because it contains a chemical that is used to kill skunks.