There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, some of the most effective methods of killing ticks include using a vacuum cleaner with a high-velocity setting, boiling water, or spraying it with a pesticide.

There are a few ways to kill ticks naturally. One way is to use a hot air gun to shoot them off the body. Another way is to crush them with your hands.

There are many things that can kill ticks on surfaces, but the most common is a good old-fashioned scrubbing with a stiff brush.

Ticks can live up to two years in a car.

Ticks hate a variety of things, but some of the things they hate the most include: being wet, being cold, and being in direct sunlight.

There is no one answer to this question as different ticks are most active at different times of the year. However, some months that are known to be active for ticks include May, June, July, August and September.

A tick can live up to two weeks on a cat.

There is no evidence to support the claim that ticks can jump.

There is no scientific evidence that ticks live in carpet. However, there is anecdotal evidence that some people believe this to be the case.

Most ticks will not drown in water, but there are a few that can. Ticks that live in salt water or brackish water can survive in water if it is only a short amount and they can breathe through their skin. Ticks that live in fresh water will die if they are submerged for more than a few minutes.