There are a few ways to get the smell of urine out of a car seat. You can pour a pot of boiling water onto the seat, pour a solution of white vinegar and water onto the seat, or use a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment to suction onto the urine and pull.

There are a few things that can take urine smell away. One is to bathe regularly, which will help eliminate any smells that may be present. Another option is to use a deodorant or body spray that contains scents that mask urine odor.

Febreze can help to remove urine smell, but it will not be a permanent solution.

There are a few reasons why your car might smell like urine. Pee can be released from the body in different ways, including through the nose, mouth, and anus. Urine can also contain chemicals that can cause a car to smell bad.

Urine will eventually go away, but it may take some time. The smell is caused by bacteria breaking down proteins in the urine. Over time, the bacteria will die off and the smell will dissipate.

There is no one answer to this question as everyone’s sense of smell is different. However, many people find that their urine smells worse after a workout or after eating a salty dinner. This is because sweat and salt mix with urine to create a strong smelling mixture.

Vinegar is not a recommended method for removing urine smell. Vinegar can irritate the skin and may cause further odor.

Febreze does not eliminate odors, but it does cover them up.

There are a few ways to get urine smell out of foam cushions. One way is to pour boiling water onto the cushion and let it sit for a few minutes. This will cause the urine to evaporate, and the smell will be gone. Another way is to use a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment, and vacuum the cushion until the smell is gone.

The gases that are released when you floor it push the air out of the vents and into the car. This causes the car to smell like gas.