There is no definitely answer as to whether or not fleas can stay in a car for an extended period of time. Generally speaking, the longer a flea spends in a person or animal, the more likely it is to spread disease. However, it is also possible that the flea may have been attracted to your pet and may be living comfortably with them now.

There is no definitely answer as to whether or not fleas can stay in a car for an extended period of time. Some people believe that they can, while others do not. Ultimately, the decision comes down to how long theflea will be able to survive and breed in the car.

Yes, fleas can survive in a cold car. However, they will likely not survive for very long due to the cold temperature and the lack of moisture.

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the type of flea, the environment in which it was born, and the person’s own personal habits. However, some common causes of permanent flea death include: being bitten by a dog, being petted too much, using a pesticide that can damage thefleas’ blood supply, or using a flea collar without a filter.

Yes, you can bomb your car for fleas. This will kill the fleas and make it easier to get rid of them.

Yes, fleas can live in human hair. However, they are less likely to cause problems because they are less common in human hair than in other areas of the body.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the environment in which the fleas are living and the age of the car. Generally speaking, however, it is estimated that fleas will live for around 6-8 weeks without a host.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the type of oil used, the age of the engine, and the driving conditions.

The most common way to kill fleas is by using a pesticide.

There is no one definitive answer to this question as fleas will vary in their behavior and will require different treatments depending on the situation. However, many people believe that it is best to treat your pet with a topical treatment such as a topical flea control product or an over-the-counter medication such as lysol or permethrin, in order to help prevent future infestations.

Fleas are most active during the morning and evening.

Yes, fleas will leave if the pet is gone.

A common method for getting rid of fleas is to use a product called ” Flea & Tick Destroyer “. This product kills fleas by breaking their skin. It is available at most stores.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Different people have different levels of success with getting rid of fleas, so it’s best to speak to a professional about your specific needs.

There are many things that can kill fleas in a house quickly.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific bug bomb and its detonation method. Generally speaking, however, setting off a bug bomb in a car is not recommended as it can cause serious injuries or even death.

There is no bug bomb for cars, as there is for other products.

A flea will live for 3-5 days.