Yes, you can get an inactive Instagram username. In order to get an inactive Instagram username, you’ll need to contact Instagram and request the username.

There is no way to get an inactive Instagram username. If the account is inactive, it will not be available to claim.

If the username is inactive and not trademarked, you should be able to claim it by going to the website and clicking “claim this username.

There is no clear-cut answer, as the process may vary depending on the reason for the account’s inactivity. In some cases, Instagram may deactivate an account if it has been inactive for a certain period of time. If you believe your account has been deactivated in error, you can reach out to Instagram for assistance.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on Instagram’s policies and procedures at any given time. However, it is generally safe to say that Instagram will delete inactive accounts in 2021 or sooner if the account has been inactive for a significant period of time.

Yes, you can. Instagram will delete an inactive account after a certain amount of time has passed without any activity.

There are a few ways to check if an Instagram name is taken. One way is to simply try to create the account and see if it’s available. If it’s not available, you’ll get a message that says the account is already taken.Another way to check is to use a third-party website like This website will check to see if the Instagram name is available and also show you other social media accounts that are using that same name.

Instagram does not delete deactivated accounts after 30 days. Accounts that are deactivated can be reactivated at any time, and all of the user’s content will be restored.

Deleting an Instagram account can be done with just one report, but it may take a few days for the account to be deleted.

You can’t patent your name, but you can trademark it. To trademark a name, you need to show that the name is being used in commerce and that it is distinctive.