Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share pictures and videos. It’s an easy way to keep up with friends and family who are far away, and it’s also a great way to find new people with similar interests.Some girls might follow you on Instagram if they think you’re attractive, or if they like the things you post on your profile. Girls might also follow guys they don’t know so they can see what he posts in his feed.

This is a difficult question to answer because it’s hard to say what you should do. If you’re a celebrity, then you can just post a photo of yourself and tag your followers. But if you’re not a celebrity, then it becomes difficult. You can try posting photos of things that are relevant to your followers and hope they follow back.

Girls want attention, just as much as any other person does. There are a few ways to know if she wants attention. If you’re not sure, ask her what she’s looking for and why she came to you.

If a girl likes you, she’ll be more likely to smile at you, make eye contact with you, and laugh at your jokes. If she’s not interested in you, she’ll avoid eye contact and keep her distance from you.

You can try to follow them, like their posts, and leave a comment. If you want to be more subtle, you can also try liking some of their pictures and following people they follow.

There are many ways to get someone to follow you back. One way is to follow them first. Another way is to find their username and comment on one of their posts. If they’re active, they’ll probably follow you back.

The best way to tell if a girl is desperate is by looking at how she interacts with you. If she’s constantly texting you, calling you, and trying to get your attention in other ways, then she might be desperate.

If she likes you, she will be happy to see you and talk to you. She will also want to spend time with you and show her emotions. If she just wants attention, she will be happy to see you but only for a short while. She won’t want to spend much time with you or show her emotions.

Be yourself and be honest. It’s important to remember that you’re talking to a person, not a computer screen. If you’re interested in the person you’re texting, ask them about themselves or their day. You can also start a conversation by asking them how they are or what they did today.

Every girl is different, but there are some general things that make girls fall for guys. Girls like guys who are confident and interesting, who can make them laugh and feel good about themselves.