Destiny is not free on PS4.

There is no such thing as a free Destiny 2. However, Bungie has offered some deals in the past for those who have not yet purchased the game. For example, they offered a $20 discount on the game and a year of premium membership if you pre-ordered it.

Yes, Destiny 1 is available on PS4. You can purchase it at the PlayStation Store or through the PlayStation Plus subscription.

Destiny 2 is available for purchase on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The first two hours of play are free, and there are no microtransactions in Destiny 2.

Yes, Destiny 1 is still playable. However, due to the game’s age and the fact that it was not updated since its release, there are some issues that players may encounter. Bungie has released a patch for the game that addresses many of these issues.

There is no definitive answer at this time. Activision Blizzard has not announced a Destiny 3 game, and there have been no recent indications that one is forthcoming.

Destiny 1 is better.

There is no official word on whether or not GTA 5 is free for PS5, but there have been numerous reports that it is. If you’re looking to play the game without spending any money, it’s probably best to wait until it becomes available on PSN.

Destiny 2 was free on PS4 from September 5-11, 2017.

Destiny 2 is not free forever, but it does have a lot of content and updates that are free.