Steam’s wishlist feature is handy, but it’s not always useful. If you’re waiting for a significant discount on a $60 game, five bucks off probably won’t change your mind. There’s a better way. can connect to your Steam account, import your wish list, and send you an email notification when a game goes below a specific price level or a percentage value. It’s a great way to save money on new titles and on all that stuff on your wish list.

Connect IsThereAnyDeal to Steam

Before you start, you’ll need to give IsThereAnyDeal access to your Steam account. This is perfectly safe—they don’t get access to your personal information or payment methods. Note that, for this to work, you need to set your Steam profile to public. You can make an account on the site and add games manually if that makes you uncomfortable.

To start, go to and click “Sign in” in the upper-right corner.

In the pop-up menu, click “Sign in through Steam.” You’ll be given a web-based login for your Steam account.

Once you’re back at the main IsThereAnyDeal page, click the arrow next to your Steam username and then click “Waitlist” on the drop-down menu.

Click “Sync Profiles” on the right side of the page. Under the “Waitlist” entry on this page, click “Sync Now.”

This process adds any games on your Steam wishlist to your IsThereAnyDeal Waitlist (which is the same thing, only better). You can repeat this process manually to add or remove items from your Steam wishlist or click “periodically synchronize” to do it automatically.

Set Up Custom Price Alerts

From the page in the above step, click the arrow next to “Waitlist” on the right side of the page.

On the Waitlist page that opens, you’ll see all your wishlist items and the digital stores that are selling the games at the lowest prices

The best price is displayed with its corresponding discount in terms of total price and percentage. Note that these prices are from sellers across the internet that sell digital codes, not necessarily on Steam itself.

Let’s use Attack on Titan from my list as an example, since that game never seems to go on sale. Highlight the game with your mouse and then click “Edit.”

On the next page, you can set a specific price alert in the “Price” field or a percentage cut in the “Price cut” field. I’ll set mine for $30, since I don’t want to pay more than twenty-five bucks for this particular game. In the “But only if” field you can select modifiers: the option to alert only if a store is selling a Steam activation key is very useful, so I’ve activated it. You can set the same condition for DRM-free, Origin, and U-Play games.

Click “Update my Waitlist” to apply these conditions to your price alert, and you’re done! Click the “X” in the pop-up to return to your Waitlist and start on a new game.

Restrict Alerts to Specific Stores

But what if you’re waiting for a sale on Steam because you have some gift card credit that you can’t redeem on any other online store? That’s easy to accommodate too. On the edit page, click “Override default store selection.”

Here you can select specific stores to watch and ignore for alerts. For just Steam, I’ll click “none” in the selection menu and then re-enable only Steam.

Click “Update my Waitlist” again to apply your changes. If you never want to see alerts from specific stores, perhaps because they’re not available in your country or you just don’t want to make another account, click the link marked “manage in your settings.” There, you can hide some stores from all alerts.

Make Sure You’re Getting Email Alerts

Before you finish, you’ll want to check to make sure you’re getting email alerts from IsThereAnyDeal, so you don’t need to check it constantly for price drops. Click the arrow next to your Steam login name and then click “Settings.”

Enter your email in the “Email” field and then click “Save.”

That’s it. You’re now set to receive price alerts via your email inbox.