TikTok, a social media platform, has a time limit to videos under review. Users can upload their videos for up to six hours before it is automatically deleted from the platform. If a video goes viral or gets reported to the site, TikTok will review the content and decide if they want to take action.

When you post a video to TikTok, it will be reviewed by the app’s curators before being posted to your account. You can increase the chances of your videos being approved by following the community guidelines.

The algorithm TikTok uses to determine whether or not a video is inappropriate or meets community guidelines is not explicable by the company. They make it clear that they are not explaining their reasoning for certain videos being under review, but it can be inferred that the videos are reviewed by both humans and artificial intelligence. It is likely that these videos are undergoing an automatic scan for nudity, violence, explicit content, copyright infringement, and other explicit content.

The phrase “under review” is often used when someone has submitted a paper for publication. The reviewer will be examining the paper to make sure that it meets the required standards for publication in the journal or other venue.

I am not sure what you are asking. I can look at the context of any given sentence, but it is up to you to provide some more information on this.

Effectiveness of a review process is a function of the amount of time that passes from submission to completion. Reviewers are limited in number and must prioritize their available time accordingly. The longer it takes to complete a review, the less availability reviewers have for other reviews—resulting in decreased effectiveness.

Request for Reconsideration is a term often used in the academic world to describe the next step after a decision is made about an academic matter, such as admission or dismissal from a course, and there is disagreement with that decision. This term can be considered to be synonymous with “under review,” and in some cases it can also refer to the final steps before an appeal.