There are a few ways to get an Instagram name that’s already taken. You can try to get the username of someone who is not using their account, you can ask the current user if they are willing to give it up, or you can create a new account with a different name.

Yes, you can get an inactive Instagram username. In order to do so, you’ll need to contact Instagram and request the username. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the username will be available, and it may be subject to availability.

If your username is already taken, you can try to come up with a different one, or see if the website will let you use a variation of your name. If all else fails, you can always create a new account.

It can take a few days or a few weeks, depending on the situation. If someone has violated Instagram’s terms of service, their username may not be available for reuse for a while.

When you create an Instagram account, you are required to provide a unique name. This name cannot be used by anyone else on Instagram.

Yes, you can take a suspended account’s username. However, the account is not usable and the username is not associated with any content.

Yes, Instagram deletes inactive accounts. Accounts that are inactive for more than six months are automatically deleted.

You need to delete your account through the app and then send an email to Instagram to request that your account be deleted.

There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on the country you reside in and the naming conventions of that country. In some cases, you may be able to take the name of a spouse or other family member if it is not already taken. In other cases, you may need to go through a legal process to change your name.

Some baddie usernames are “bad guy” and “evil man.” These names are cliché and unoriginal. A more interesting username for a villain would be something like “the puppetmaster” or “the black widow.