I would recommend being friendly, polite, and respectful. If she seems interested in you, ask for her number.

I recommend following the girl on Instagram, being active on her account, like her pictures, and commenting on them. After a few weeks of this, she will most likely follow you back. You can then send her a DM with a message asking if she wants to chat or something.

It’s not a good idea to ask someone out on social media because it could lead to public rejection. I recommend asking her for her number and then calling or texting her.

Yes, it is OK to ask a girl for her number.It is not wrong to ask a girl for her number. You should be respectful and not be pushy about the request.

I would be very interested in finding out why she won’t give her number. Perhaps she is shy or doesn’t want to get into a relationship. If there’s no other way to get in touch with her, I could try to find her on social media and send her a friend request.

It can be creepy to DM a girl on Instagram. It’s best to follow the girl’s social media account and like or comment on her posts before sending her a DM. This will establish that you’re not just trying to creepily message random girls.

Hi there! I saw you on Instagram and thought you were really cute. I don’t know if you’re interested, but would you like to chat?

The most important thing to remember is to be confident. You want to make it clear that you are interested in their number, but not at all desperate. A good way to do this is by asking them what their number is when they ask for yours.

If you are interested in a girl, you can ask for her number by saying “would you like to exchange numbers?” If she says yes, then say “great! Here is my number” and give them your phone. If they say no, then just say “oh okay.

The best time to ask for a girl’s number on Instagram is when you’re about to leave the conversation. This will give her the opportunity to stop talking to you and move on with her day if she doesn’t want your number.