Luckily, one of our amazing Plann’ers, was able to give us the inside scoop on exactly how she mastered the art of creating a Coachella-worthy Instagram grid. Want to know these hot tips? Keep on reading!


Tips to Get a Coachella-Worhty Instagram Grid

Milly, we LOVE the bright, flowing feed design that you have on your Instagram grid. When did you decide that this styling was going to be part of your brand? Thank you so much! I appreciate the recognition of my particular style, a lot of people think that happens by accident. When I sat down and thought about my personality, my demographic and what I truly wanted to pass on to my audience through my content, I decided to let myself have a broader color scheme with red as a feature. I want people to understand the extent of my travels, the people I meet and the places I go, not to mention the crazy adventures and emotions that go along with such a nomadic lifestyle.  

Your Coachella photos are amazing! How far in advance did you plan your outfits? Thank you! I planned my outfits about four weeks out from Coachella weekend. I had already been in contact with my style sponsors by then and knew, to some extent, what items I would be receiving. I made final touches to these outfits about a week out and even on the day I wore them.  

What is your favorite memory from Coachella 2018? Sorry to bore you with a predictable answer, but my favorite memory at Coachella was dancing to Beyonce’s set!

If a fellow blogger, influencer or Instagrammer is thinking to attend Coachella in future years, where should they take photos? At the lemonade stands, in front of art installations, your classic Ferris wheel shot… and anywhere they can find an open space without too many bodies and a nice palm tree background.

How did you manage to find the time to post on Instagram while being at Coachella? How To Get Ahead With Your Social Media Content In Slow Times Learn how to get more intentional with your posting and how to plan out themed and seasonal content
Good question! I’m not really sure… I actually left my group to go to the wi-fi areas to edit and post content several times. It had to be done!

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you LOVE Coachella 2018? This was my first Coachella and I truly did love it. I’ll score it an 8/10 with room for improvement for next time!  

Get Your Instagram Grid Ready! 

How amazing is Milly? We just could just hug-squeeze her for sharing all of these amazing insights into creating a Coachella-Worthy Instagram Grid. The best part is that you too can create your own fabulous Instagram grid. All you need is is imagination and a great tool to help you! Download Plann for iOS and Android today!