1. Opt-in to the Gigantic beta via GoGigantic.com

The first way to get a beta key is by going to Gigantic’s website. On their home page, there’s a link to either sign up for the beta, or to redeem your beta key. It’s super easy!

2. Go to our ViralSweep!

We have our very own ViralSweep campaign to help us make sure everyone who enters gets a fair chance at winning! Enter here!

3. Pay attention to the pop-up

You may be ignoring a little pop-up at the bottom of the screen. Don’t. That’s another chance for you to win a beta key.

4. Keep an eye on Gigantic’s Twitter and Twitch

Gigantic gives you the opportunity to enter for a chance at a beta key on their Twitter and Twitch. Go check them out before it’s too late!

5. Get a key from a friend who’s a current tester

If you know someone who’s already a tester for Gigantic, they might be able to get you a key! Gigantic recently gave away keys to its current testers for their friends. If you happened to be an alpha tester, good news: You’re already on the list for beta!


NOTE: Do NOT Fall For Shady Beta Key Websites

Even if a key giveaway, email, or purchase looks promising, double-check the web address before doing anything. Phishing schemes get more and more convincing every day, and will steal official assets to look as convincing as possible in order to trick you into giving up personal information.

Also. NEVER click a bit.ly, goo.gl, or other short URL that promises beta keys. It’s likely riddled with malware. The same goes for key generators: just don’t mess with them. You are only putting yourself, your information, and your computer at risk.

Now the question is: Did you snag a Gigantic beta key? Let us know about the game by writing an article on GameSkinny!