What You Should Do Before You Start

There are a few things that should be done before you start using the app. These things might seem boring, but they’re necessary in order for everything else to work out smoothly. They’re also going to help you understand how Tiktok works so that you don’t spend hours trying to.

Introducing Tiktok

Introducing Tiktok to your family is the most important thing you’ll do before you start creating. It’s important because your family members will be able to participate in your stories and they’ll also be able to see what you’re doing. This is a great way to help get everyone on board with using this app together.

The first thing you should do is decide how much time you want to spend on making a story. The short answer is, as long as it takes for you and the person who’s going to tell the story. You can make it last as long as an hour or only ten minutes if that works for both of you.

Another thing to figure out is where in the house your story will take place. Pick a space that’s not too busy or noisy because that could disrupt the sound levels in your story. There are also no restrictions on where these stories can take place, so choose a location that has furniture or items that can be used to make things more interesting.

If there are younger children in the house, consider blocking off some time during which they’re allowed to use the app without interruptions from parents and older siblings (this may vary depending on their ages).

What you should do before you start

Your app should be updated to the latest version. You should have a strong WiFi or data connection. Make sure your device is compatible with Tiktok. Prepare for things to get crazy! Make sure you’re ready for anything before you start your story.

How to make a story with your friends

Before you can create a story, you need to have friends. If you don’t have any friends yet, then start by posting something on your social media or Instagram. This is the easiest way to get started and it’s also a great way to gain followers.

Once you’ve got some friends, then go ahead and follow the steps below to make your story.

  1. Pick out an activity that your friends want to do

  2. Choose who will be in your story and what they’ll be doing

  3. Choose a background for your story (Some suggestions are: Home, Dessert Shop, Tiktok Headquarters)

  4. Add dialogue for all characters

  5. Finally, add sound effects like claps or laughs

  6. That’s it! You’re done!

So now that you know how to make a story with your friends, here are some helpful tips for making sure it’s fun for everyone involved.

Tips for those new to Tiktok.

First, you need to download the app. The app is free and easy to install.

Next, you need to make sure that your device is connected to the internet for it to work properly. If this doesn’t happen, you will have a lot of problems trying to use the app.

You should also make sure that your social media accounts are connected so that you can share what your friends create. Without these connections, you’re out of luck on sharing with friends and family!

Finally, if there’s anything else that you might want in order for Tiktok to work properly, such as setting up your own themes or characters before starting a story, go ahead and do those things now so that it doesn’t become a headache later.